Donations & Volunteers

The main goal of the Verriet Foundation is to provide care of the highest quality to its clients, focusing on the client’s abilities and not on its client’s disabilities. The foundation aims to strengthen the skills of its clients. As a result, the maximum potential of each client will be developed.
Our foundation is financed from the 'AVBZ-fonds' (General Insurance for Special Medical Expenses). Through these funds we can provide our clients with their basic needs and also provide good quality care. But we also want our clients to live joyful and meaningful lives. This is why we are extremely grateful for all contributions that help make their lives better.
Give us your helping hand!
You can have a direct impact on the lives of our clients. Give us a helping hand by making a donation or doing volunteer work!
The Friends of Verriet foundation provide support to the Verriet Foundation and their main objective is to make the lives of people with physical and/or mental disabilities more beautiful. The Friends of Verriet organize fundraising activities and are also actively looking for donations from private individuals and companies.
Would you like to give a financial contribution to our foundation? You can transfer this to our bank account or come by in person at our head office.
- Stichting Vrienden van Fundashon Verriet
- Address: Prinsenlaan 5
- Bank: Maduro & Curiel’s Bank
- Account number: 26738501
For further information you can send an e-mail at

Volunteer work
The staff of the Verriet Foundation receives support regularly from volunteers who devote themselves disinterestedly for the quality of care and the quality of life of the clients. Their societal involvement is invaluable for the clients and the organization. You can contribute to the Verriet Foundation and make a direct impact on the lives of our clients by volunteering for certain activities or by just spending time with them.
Do you want to volunteer? Send an e-mail to with your application and a certificate of good conduct. If you have any questions, you can also contact Mrs Rachel Domacasse via above-mentioned e-mail address or via telephone number 737-7600 ext. 2225.
Before you start volunteering, there will be an interview to find out what your interests are. Based on your wishes and the needs within the organization, a shadow day will be scheduled with one department in order for you to experience how it is to be a volunteer.