Child rehabilitation

Therapeutic toddler group
The therapeutic toddler group is a form of intensive child rehabilitation and assistance. The therapeutic toddler group is meant for toddlers between 1 and 4 years old, who due to their physical disability do not fit in a regular toddler daycare. The toddlers are treated by a multidisciplinary team where parents are also involved. A toddler can be admitted after evaluation by the rehabilitation doctor of the Rehabilitation Center, in consultation with the disciplines.
Mytyl/Tyltyl school
The Rehabilitation Centre has a close cooperation with the Soeur Hedwig school. Soeur Hedwig school is a Mytyl/Tyltyl school that provides special education to pupils between 4 and 21 years old. The name Mytyl/Tyltyl is generally used for pupils with a physical or multiple disability. Some pupils of this school are treated in the Rehabilitation Center. During the assessment the rehabilitation doctor will discuss the care need and corresponding treatment with the parents and the teacher of the pupil. The teacher often has a role in the medical care process by signaling physical issues at school.