The SGR-Group

The SGR-Group came into being in January 2004 as a result of the integration of the former “Stichting Zorg voor Verstandelijk Gehandicapten” (Foundation Care for Mentally Disabled People) and the “Mgr. P.I. Verriet Revalidate- en Wooncentrum” (Mgr. P.I. Verriet Rehabilitation Center and Residential Center). With the merging of these organizations, it became possible to raise the quality of care to an increasingly more professional level.
There are four foundations that fall under The SGR-Group:
- Fundashon Verriet (Verriet Foundation)
- Revalidatiecentrum Curaçao (Rehabilitation Center Curaçao)
- Curaçao Orthotics & Prosthetics
- Stichting Beheer Gebouwen (Buildings Management Foundation)

From our basic vision, the foundations of The SGR-Group provide care, to people with a mental and/or physical disability in order for them to manage their own lives as well as possible and to strengthen their abilities.
“People with a disability are also part of the society. They need to be involved, accepted, respected and loved. Let’s focus on their abilities and not their disabilities!”
More Information
On this website you can find more information about our organization.
If you can't find what you are looking for, feel free to contact us through our contact form or by phone/mail.