
At the Rehabilitation Centre Curaçao you can participate in different therapies during your rehabilitation process for instance physiotherapy, movement therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy.
Physiotherapy/Movement Therapy
If you have trouble with movement, you will be referred to a physiotherapist. The aim of physiotherapy is for you to be able to make the movements you need in your daily life. The physiotherapist knows how we make movements with our body. He / she will check how you can make certain movements again or learn to make them in a different way.
The physiotherapeutic treatment consists of mainly movement therapy, also known as exercise therapy. The exercises can aim at:
- Learning you to move or walk better;
- Increasing your muscle strength;
- Improving your posture;
- Improving your condition;
- Learning you how to use aids;
- Learning you to relax better.
The treatment can also be a combination of exercises, massage and treatments with electrical equipment. You will possibly need aids such as a wheelchair, brace, corset, orthosis (leg splints) or a prosthesis. During the treatment with the physiotherapist you will learn how to best use the aids that are suitable for you. The physiotherapist will also give advice about walking aids.
Occupational therapy
Occupational therapy helps people with disabilities to function as independently as possible again, doing the activities of their daily lives. The occupational therapist will perform exercises with you that will help you with your personal care, work, housekeeping, hobby or with transport.
The training can consist of exercising activities such as washing, dressing and undressing, eating, sitting posture, using a wheelchair and participate in traffic. The occupational therapist will also advise you about the desired adaptations to e.g., clothing, cutlery and to your home. If necessary, he/she will also assist you in ordering hand splints and other body support aids (orthoses). The occupational therapist can, if it is applicable to you, also advise you on a wheelchair and home adaptations.
Speech therapy
If you have trouble speaking or with understanding what other people are saying to you, you will be referred to a speech therapist. Talking is one of the ways of communicating with other people. If talking is no longer possible, e.g. due to brain injury, then the speech therapist will help you in finding other ways of communicating. It is also possible to involve you family at this training. Your family members can learn what they should or should not do in order for the conversation to go as well as possible.
If you have trouble understanding others, the speech therapist will do hearing and listening training with you in order for you to practice recognizing sounds and words. The speech therapist can also help you if you have trouble swallowing and chewing. This happens with exercises where your muscles are trained, sometimes using aids.